The victims & Importance of Ramadan

The victims & Importance of Ramadan

Fatema Miah: This is month of Ramadan, and it has passed its two third to its final 3rd part of the Ramadan, which is the time of Lailatul Qard the time of the Night of importance. 

Ramadan is an Important Month and specially the final third part of Ramadan rather is the significantly blessing time of the Month. During the Last 3rd part of Ramadan, due to its blessings Muslims, followers of beloved Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him seek Mercy and blessing from Allah via meditation or Zikr, prayers or Salah, Quran recitation or Tilawat-e Quran and escape from worldly activities. During the last 3rd part of Ramadan Muslims do sit in Etekaf, devote them-selves to Allah the creator only from worldly activities and seek mercy. 
 It is very sad that people in Gaza, those are Muslims, offering prayers and keeping fast are under attack, living in War Zone, experiencing bomb blasts, facing injuries and death every day, in the holy month of Ramadan. Muslim people crying for help and calling UK and Europe, seeking help from world’s Political power while blaming USA for allowing this continues on going killing. The United Nation is reluctant and assessing the cause and reason while civilians death toll is rising every day. Arab League doesn’t seem to be bothered. 

Hamas known as Islamic militant, in this Holy month of Ramadan, instead of to be devoted to Allah by doing Etekaf meditation or Zikr, prayers or Salah, Quran recitation or Tilawat-e Quran and escape from worldly activities, they are firing artillery to Israeli’s territories from civilian bases. Instead of helping the injured civilians, supporting the sufferers and comforting those lost their love ones and planning to protect people from further attacks. Hamas in the name of Islam, in the month of Ramadan rather escalating the war by firing to Israel and simultaneously, Arabs are allowing Hamas’ reaction. God bless the vulnerable people in the month of Ramadan those are suffering the political Misleading.  

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